Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program


Exit Interview/ Evaluation

Please help us improve the quality of the U-RISE program by completing this survey. Your responses and comments are very important to us.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Permanent Phone Numbers:

How long were you a member of the U-RISE program?

Did you earn a BS degree while being a member of the U-RISE program?

4. Please rate the helpfulness of the following aspects of the U-RISE program using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 = not helpful at all; 2 = somewhat helpful; 3 = helpful; 4 = very helpful; and 5 = extremely helpful

8. Please state below any specific comments or suggestions you may have about the strengths and weakness of the U-RISE program. Your opinion is of great value for the long-term success of this program. Please use additional space below if needed.

On behalf of the U-RISE program, thank you for your valuable feedback!