Purchasing Information for Research Purposes

To ACCESS Purchase form PRESS HERE 

Updated February 26, 2015

Steps in the Purchasing Processes (with the work days as it usually takes)

  1. PRISE receives the order in our electronic system or email (1st day)
  2. PRISE forwards this information as soon as possible to Melissa Vega, who puts the information in our Purchasing System, online, and generates a Requisition (1st day if possible sometimes goes to the second day)
  3. Once Mrs. Vega processes the requisition in the system it is forwarded to Dr. Suarez purchasing account for revision and final approval. (2nd – 3rd day)
  4. Depending on the total amount of the purchases it may be required another revision and approval by the University Chancellor (3rd-5th day).
  5. The purchasing office receives the requisition and revises it (6th day)
  6. They process an RFQ (Request for Quotation) to at least 3 companies that may sell us the products, this happens even if we have in mind that only X company is the only one that sells the item. UPR will be expecting a NO BID reply from the other companies that do not sell the item until they get 3 quotes or 1 quote with 2 no bids. This happens if no quotation is sent to us with UPR-Ponce information (this step can take up to the 6th day and up to the 20th day after creating the requisition). What we do is jump this step if we receive a quote under UPR-Ponce name and we pass it forward certifying that it is the item that was request and need. Have in mind that we’ll still request the quote from the company that you request the item from and order that item if you do not provide a quote before hand.
  7. UPR-Ponce Purchasing office receives the quotes and evaluates the items to see which company sell it to us cheaper (1st day after receiving quotes)
  8. UPR-Ponce Purchasing identifies the company to which they will purchase the item (1st day after receiving quote(s) or after we send an official quote from the specific compoany we wish the items be purchased from)
  9. UPR-Ponce Purchasing office generates a Purchase Order with around 9 different documents that goes with each order for taxation, inquires, processing and other purposes that are required by law that every goverment entity must develop (1st day after receiving quotations)
  10. UPR-Ponce Purchasing office sends the Purchase Order to the Company via FAX, EMAIL, Regular email or all before; depending on the contact information they have for each company. (1st or second day after receiving quotations)
  11. The company sends the items (depending on the item purchased and the quoted shipping method this can take from 2 days up to 4 weeks. Depending if it is Next day shipping,  Priority mail, regular mail or Sea shipping and the availability of the company)
  12. Receiving office accepts the package and revises it with the Purchase Order in System.
  13. They will identify the package and deliver it to our office/laboratory (same day after receiving the package)
  14. PRISE will identify the laboratory to which it will go to and prepare the package with the receiving sheets to be signed by your staff of yourself when receiving the items. (same day after receiving the package)
  15. PRISE get a PRISE student to deliver the package (2nd or 3rd day after receiving the package)
  16. UPR-Ponce pays the company after all items are received. (Only after all items are received)
NOTE: Usually we process more than 1 or 2 orders at a time for a specific company. Right now at least most of the companies now offers credit for our purchases and sends us the items way more fast than in the 1st 2 years of the PRISE program because they know that UPR pays ONLY after receiving the complete list of items if payment method was not clearly mentioned in the quotes (ex. pre-payments, COD, Net30, etc.).  There are still other companies that waits for the payment of a running order before sending a second one (usually those not so common companies and here we get the huge delays) Please have in mind that this happens for most of the uncommon companies and that this is a limiting factor in this processes, if we have a pending to close order of a previous purchase that has not been paid or if it is in the process of doing so, orders will be delayed.
NOTE: Step 6 can be jumped if we have a quotation for the items made under UPR-Ponce name.
Solution for this Problems: Currently, and as you may recall our communications and last meeting, we have a credit card for use when a more urgent item(s) are needed or these are RUSH. Usually this type of purchases takes less than with the requisitions but it totally depends on the shipping method the companie will use for the packets, availability from the company and date ordered. These items usually get here in less than 2 weeks after placing the orders, sometimes it happens overnight.
Steps for Credit Card Purchases.
  1. PRISE receive a request from you with a RUSH item that you need with urgency (1st day)
  2. PRISE will revise if we still have balance for the purchase amount (1st day)
  3. PRISE will order the item the same day via internet or phone (1st day)
  4. Orders are received in less than 2 weeks, it usually less than 1. (2nd day extended to the 10th)
  5. PRISE receives the package directly to the office
  6. PRISE identifies the laboratory to which it will go to and prepare the package with the receiving sheets to be signed by your staff of yourself when receiving the items. (same day after receiving the package)
  7. I get a PRISE student to deliver the package (2nd or 3rd day after receiving the package)
  8. You receive you package (3rd day after request and before 14th day)
Please let us know which items are needed with more RUSH to be sure orders are place with that same status.

