Name: Faviola Bernard
Faculty: Biology
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Active Member: Since August, 2014 (Adjunct member from January, 2014 – July, 2014)
Current Status: Currently Enrolled in a BS Degree at UPR-Ponce
U.S. Meetings & Conferences:
- ABRCMS 2014. Convention. San Antonio TX. November, 2014
PR Meetings & Conferences:
- 35th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting & 50th Junior Technical Meeting. (Univ. of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus. March, 2015. San Juan, PR)
Research Internships:
- 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Love Field, TX. June – August, 2015
- 2014 Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ponce Puerto Rico. June – August, 2014
In Progress
In Progress